Vefa Green

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Vefa-Green LLC (St. Petersburg) offers: - installation and replacement of pipelines in the old stock (mains, bottling, risers, distribution); - related plumbing services; - free installation of water meters (when replacing risers); - significantly increased warranty periods; - minimum terms for completing work; - service maintenance; - possibility of deferred payment for HOAs and housing cooperatives; - sales of Vefatherm pipelines; - green wefa pipe; - JUDO water filters (Germany); - SanTekhAtelye - a new service of the company; - in the warehouse in St. Petersburg there is always a full range from 16 to 125 mm; - staffing of any facility - within just one day; - consulting, training.

Founded: 1999
Registration date: 28.01.2011
Update date: 28.01.2011 [ID: 497]

Plumbing, water supply and sewerage

Repair and finishing services

Price list not posted.
Logo Vefa Green

St. Petersburg, Volkovki embankment, no. 7, business center IVOLGA, office 204

+7 (812) 380-65-67

29th international building and interiors trade show